Dr. Mukundan Subramanian

What is a Vestibular Disorder?

VERTIGO, DIZZINESS & BALANCE COMPLAINTS often referred to as VESTIBULAR DISORDERS may result from disturbances in the ear, the neck, the muscles and joints, the eyes, the nervous system connections of these structures, or a combination of these.

What to expect from Specialized Vertigo Clinic, Chennai?

After performing a focused history and physical examination, a simple treatment regimen might be enough for some patients. Thereafter you have to fill out a form that assesses the impact of your vestibular disorder on your quality of life.

However, the majority will need further diagnostic testing to determine the cause of the vestibular disorder and to be certain that there is no serious or life-threatening disease.

  • Diagnostic Testing: at Specialized Vertigo Clinic, Chennai consists of state-of-the-art assessments to offer non-invasive painless evaluation
  • Positional tests to diagnose the side and canal in case of Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo (BPPV)
  • Videonystagmography (VNG)  Video goggles are placed over the eyes and eye movements associated with the inner ear and brain that control balance are recorded
  • Video Head Impulse Test (vHIT) to assess the function of semi-circular canals which are part of the balance organ in the inner ear
  • Caloric Test to help determine if there is any difference between the balance function of each ear
  • Subjective Visual Vertical & Subjective Visual Horizontal tests to assess function of the otolith organs which are a part of the balance organ in the inner ear
  • Posturography to measure balance ability under different circumstances

Treatments offered at Specialized Vertigo Clinic, Chennai include

  • Canaloltih repositioning manoeuvres
  • Vestibular rehabilitation exercises
  • Medications
  • Surgery – very rarely

What are some common causes of vestibular disorders?


caused by calcium crystals floating in the ear and is associated with a brief spinning sensation triggered by head movements. Most cases can be resolved in one clinic visit with repositioning maneuvers.

Meniere’s disease

over-accumulation of fluid in the inner ear causes attacks of vertigo, ringing in the ear, and fluctuating hearing lossTreatment consists of salt restriction and medications.

Vestibular Migraine

A very common condition especially in young females with a family history of migraine. Dietary and lifestyle changes in addition to medications for migraine are helpful in treating this condition.

Vestibular neuritis

probably caused by a virus that causes swelling around the balance nerve. It is associated with intense spinning dizziness, nausea, vomiting and difficulty walking or standing up on the first few days that gradually subsides. Some people also develop difficulty hearing in one ear. Physical therapy can help speed patients to a full recovery.

Stroke/ TIA’s/ Medications/ Multiple Sclerosis/ Head Injury / Ear Infections

can cause Vertigo and dizziness


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“Seeking specialized care for Vertigo and related disorders? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Mukundan Subramanian at  Specialized Vertigo Clinic. Contact us today to arrange your visit. Please have your medical history ready. Your well-being is our top concern.”

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